Your Survival Guide Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period starts on October 15 and ends on December 7. If you’re 65 or older, this is a crucial time for you. The decisions you make will impact your health care coverage and expenses for the following year, so the stakes...
When and How to Apply Should you do a Medicare eligibility check? If you’re not sure whether you’re eligible, you should – especially since late enrollment can lead to expensive penalties. To avoid these fees, you need to know when you’re eligible for Medicare and how...
Health care after age 65 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare. In fact, unless you qualify for an exception, failing to enroll on time can result in expensive and ongoing penalties. Given this, most Americans turn to Medicare for their health care needs...
Health care in retirement Most Americans have heard of Medicare, but far fewer have a strong understanding of what it is and how it works. Many people, especially those approaching retirement, may start asking themselves basic question about the program. Here are some...